Drive-In Movie Theatres Could Be Making a Comeback!
Are YOU ready for the return of the Drive-In theater?
Back in the 1950’s, Michigan had more than a hundred outdoor drive-ins operating in the state…
(Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images)
Since that time, over 90% of them have closed down as more people chose to watch movies indoors or at home. The cultural relic from the 20th century could be poised for a major comeback in the era of social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and, we are not complaining!
I was just thinking about Drive In movie theaters. Maybe they should bring those back?? we can all park 6 ft away from eachother. I’ve never been to a drive in and I’ve always wanted to 🙏🏻🎥🚗
— Shane Dawson (@shanedawson) April 26, 2020
I think movie Theaters would be smart to start making drivin's again they can show their movies and put no one add risk. And make just as much money. When you wanna get food you do a drive-through.
— Todd Bridges (@ToddBridges) May 5, 2020
What are YOUR thoughts? Would you go to a drive-in movie theater if there was one near you?