A Call To Action feat. Dir., Alternatives for Girls Sandra Ramocan -MLK Edition

January 21st, 2020

As our nation commemorates and recognizes the life and legacy of one of it’s greatest leaders-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, on tonight’s show we are taking time to shed light on a growing problem and epedimic not just globally, nationally but right here within our own region. The growing epedmic of human and sex trafficking is a problem that effecting the lives of young people everywhere, even right here in the State of Michigan. Even though this epedimic is not new it has grown and become more prevalent in our neighborhoods and communites around the country and even around the world. And, while we know that Dr. King was a proponent of Civil Rights, he also was a advocate for Human Rights as well. And, in the spirit of Dr. King we are shedding light on this issue with the hopes of sparking a movement or a call to action that work to elminate this problem worldwide. With that in mind, tonight’s guest has been helping young people escape the sinister and deadly clutches of human and sex traffickers for over many years now. Known by many as the voice for those who can no longer find the words, Sandra Ramocan serves the community with conviction and unwavering passion, making an unforgettable imprint in the lives of children and adults in crisis. We talk to Sandra tonight about this growing problem and what her organization is doing to provide a solution. 

PLUS, we talk about a New MLK Conspiracy Theory, the upcoming Senate Impeachment Trial & the Fate of Donald Trump, and Super Bowl LIV. And, we close out tonight’s show with an excerpt of one of Dr. Martin Luther King’s powerful speeches. Tonight’s show is definitely appointment listening. So, tell a friend, tell a neighbor, tell a relative or a co-worker to not only listen but share tonight’s show all over social medai so others can benefit from this cornacopia of knowledge and thought eminating through the airwaves of the Thinking Out Loud Radio Show.

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