It still feels like late summer out there, but Christmas is on the way. The Downtown Detroit Partnership (DDP) and DTE Energy Foundation are gearing up to present the 19th annual Detroit Tree Lighting.
The event will take place at Campus Martius Park from 5 p.m. to midnight on Friday, Nov. 18. The public is invited to attend, and they have a bunch of entertainment and activities lined up.
“Detroit’s Tree Lighting is a cherished tradition that always delights and brings holiday cheer to families across Michigan. Campus Martius Park and Cadillac Square are two of the most festive places Downtown and we are proud to offer the community an opportunity to come together in these spaces for this quintessential holiday experience,” Eric Larson, CEO of the Downtown Detroit Partnership, said in a statement.
David Cowan, chief public spaces officer at the Downtown Detroit Partnership, added, “We welcome all to Downtown for this unforgettable and festive night and to return throughout the winter season to ice skate, shop, dine and explore the city’s many free and family-friendly attractions.”
This year’s tree is a Michigan-grown, 65-foot Norway spruce that stands as a holiday beacon. It will be decorated with ornaments and illuminated by 20,000 dazzling LED multi-colored lights.
“The holiday tree lighting in Detroit has been a hallmark event for the DTE Foundation, and we’re proud to have supported it since day one. These celebrations help to showcase the wonderful restaurants, local businesses and retail shops – all of which help drive the city’s economy – and brings our community together in a very special way,” Lynette Dowler, president of the DTE Foundation, said in a statement. “This year’s Light Up Beacon Park will feature a Toyland theme with larger-than-life installations and Detroit’s Children’s Tree decorated with handmade ornaments from local students. We can’t wait to kick off the holiday season and celebrate in the city together!”
WXYZ-TV Channel 7 will be the official broadcast station of the annual Detroit Tree Lighting ceremony, broadcasting the event during a live special, “Light Up the Season,” from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. You’ll be able to watch the tree lighting at home via TV or online.
Here’s all the information you need to know about this years event via