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This is Michigan’s Most Misspelled Word

Hey, spelling isn't everyone's strength. In the age of spellcheck and technology, spelling, at times, seems like a lost art. That said, the folks at ATTExperts.com recently reviewed the top-searched "how to spell" words by state from March 24, 2020 to March 24, 2021, via Google Trends. So, what's the most commonly misspelled word in Michigan? Coronavirus. Yep, coronavirus is the most commonly misspelled word in our Great Lakes State. Nearby states had trouble spelling quarantine (Wisconsin, Indiana), favorite (Ohio) and, like us, coronavirus (Illinois, Pennsylvania). No offense, Ohio, but favorite- really? Okay, looking at this chart, a lot of states actually have "favorite" as their most misspelled word, so who knows. Check out the full list here.