This weeik’s edition of the podcast, we welcome the music and the ministtry of CHH Artist & Pastor NO FLESH. AKA Pasor Felix Motem, this Man of God, is sharing with us his powerful testimony of how God changed his life as well as how he’s been using his gift as a Christian Hip Hop Aetist to change the lives within his own local church as a Pastor, In addition, to his ministry, No Flesh is also sharing with us two songs off his recent alibum entitled “HeadNodIsm.” “Chirst is the Illlest” and “Sinner” are the two songs that carry with then a powerful message, but also pack a punch to your ears as this Urrban Theologian edicates and entertains, giving his listeners the Word of God.
PLUS, the title of this week’s show is taken directly from ou rThought of the Week, as it is appropriately aligned with the songs and the ministry of our special guest. This week’s thought has accompanied with it a story of redemption and slavtion that you definitely need to hear. We hope you take some time and check out this week’s edition of the podcast, and be sure to leave us your feedback, whenever and wherever you decide to listen.
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