Tonight is another epic show and interview with Veteran CHH Artist & Minister Mouthpi3ce. He’s back after a year long hiaitus, and he shares wtih us why he believed God told him to take some time off, and what happened during that period of time. Mouthpi3ce also shares with us a couple of songs off of his latest EP entitled “No Delay,” and they are guaranteed bangers with uncomprimising kingdom messages. This is an interview you definitely don’t want to miss.
PLUS, we have got a dynamic “Thought of the Week” in store for you direclty in line with the theme fo tonight’s show entitled, “The Potter’s Wheel.’ This thought is especially for those who experience some intense pressure and discomfort in their life right now, trust me, it’s all apart of God’s plan. This thought will help you to understand what you’re going through. Of course, you can’t miss the “After Show” at 9:30pm, and our contest that starts today as well #GuessMyNextGuest. But, you got to listen to the show for details on how to play and what you can win! Jam packed show that definitely can’t miss!.
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