Top 3 Signs Someone Is Emotionally Unavailable
Many people have experienced a relationship where one person gives more than the other emotionally. Some people refer to these kinds of people as “emotionally unavailable.” An emotionally unavailable person may present as “stoic, reserved, detached, or even cold, but what it really means is that they lack emotional awareness,” a psychologist told Another cognitive behavioral therapist told Best Life, a lifestyle magazine, “The core meaning of being emotionally unavailable refers to an individual’s inability or unwillingness to connect deeply with others on an emotional level.”
The lifestyle magazine collaborated with psychologists, therapists, and other experts to compile a list of the signs someone is emotionally unavailable. They said there are signs that people should keep an eye out for in relationships, whether romantic or platonic.
Signs Of Being Emotionally Unavailable
According to their list, an aversion to deep conversations is a key sign. Someone emotionally unavailable will want to keep conversations “surface-level.” They also mentioned that although emotionally unavailable people may communicate well in work situations where they feel in control, they tend to have difficulty with intimate communication.
Following behind is “They can’t commit.” Emotionally unavailable friends and significant others also struggle with commitment. “[Emotionally unavailable people] don’t talk about the future. When their romantic partner or friend brings up future events, they may find ways to change the subject, give vague answers, or just remain silent,” said one of the experts. Their expert added that they are difficult to make plans with. They may even give vague answers to invites like “We’ll see.”
Wrapping up the top three is that “They see the world in black and white.” What does this mean? One of their experts explained that their view of the world may be in terms of right or wrong and good or bad. This way of thinking helps someone emotionally unavailable feel safe and helps them avoid the vulnerability that comes with considering the “gray areas” of life and relationships.
Some other signs on their list include masking fears, being constantly withdrawn, and inconsistent communication, among others. Take a look at the complete list here.