Winter Guide – Holiday Trends 2020

Michigan’s Most Popular New Year’s Resolution

Most will agree, 2020 has been a year like no other. In 2021, many people are hoping to start the new year off on the right foot and are drumming up inspiration for the coming year's New Year's resolutions. Zippia, a career research hub, analyzed data from Google to determine the most popular New Year’s resolutions in every state. The results? Turns out, therapy is the most popular resolution in 12 states, followed by weight loss in 8 others. Other resolutions making the list were saving money, dating, new job, making friends and a handful of others. So what is the most popular New Year’s resolution in Michigan this year? According to Zippia’s analysis: Dating! Here are the most popular resolutions in each US state: Alabama: Weight loss Alaska: Better sleep Arizona: Therapy Arkansas: Read more California: Dating Colorado: Meet new people Connecticut: Therapy Delaware: Weight loss D.C.: Dating Florida: Therapy Georgia: Read more Hawaii: Dating Idaho: Weight training Illinois: Dating Indiana: Weight loss Iowa: Save money Kansas: Better sleep Kentucky: Weight loss Louisiana: Therapy Maine: Therapy Maryland: Therapy Massachusetts: Vacation Michigan: Dating Minnesota: Therapy Mississippi: Save money Missouri: Therapy Montana: Weight training Nebraska: Weight training Nevada: Dating New Hampshire: Vacation New Jersey: Therapy New Mexico: Get a raise New York: Therapy North Carolina: Read more North Dakota: Save money Ohio: Weight loss Oklahoma: Meet new people Oregon: Better sleep Pennsylvania: Therapy Rhode Island: Weight loss South Carolina: Read more South Dakota: Quit drinking Tennessee: Therapy Texas: New job Utah: Dating Vermont: Weight loss Virginia: Read more Washington: Better sleep West Virginia: Weight loss Wisconsin: Vacation Wyoming: New job

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